Music & Organ

A Legacy of Harmony

Music has been a tradition in our church and our musical legacy lives on.  Our organ will celebrate its 150th anniversary in 2021.   

Our Musical Legacy

Throughout the history of our congregation, music has been a central focus. The sanctuary provides a marvelous space and the acoustics attract professional artists from all over the world. 

When the church was held in the second floor of the Grammar School building, prior to 1806, four-year old Leonard Martin remembered going with his mother to a service.  "After the reading of a Psalm or hymn, the choir rose and poured forth such a volume of the good old time music, so delight some, it sent such a thrill over me.  I was completely captivated by it, and I thought to myself, surely it is good to be here."*

*Meeting House Minutes by Lorna Quimby
An Interesting History of the Organ and The Olde Meeting House
The Organ

The organ, originally given to the Peacham Congregational Church in 1871 by Oliver Johnson, was rebuilt and enlarged in 1958 through the generosity of Charles F. Brown.  It was the hope of both donors that the organ should be an enduring symbol of peace and harmony.

The organ was fully restored again in 2005 and is maintained through generous donations to The Preservation Fund. 

If you have an interest in supporting the long-term maintenance of the organ, please consider a donation to The Preservation Fund. 
Support The Preservation Fund

If you have an interest in the singing or assisting with our music program, please contact:

Patty Gardner
Peacham Congregational Church
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